Freelance Manuscript Editing and Ghostwriting Services


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I am passionate about writing, books and publishing. I want to help other writers as much as I can!

I offer services for aspiring authors, including developmental editing, line editing, manuscript beta reading, ghostwriting, book layout design, book cover design, preparation for KDP or self-publication, website building, book marketing and press release services.

I am also an aspiring author myself. I have actively been honing my craft and am in the process of finishing a non-fiction memoir. I participate in multiple weekly writing workshops and have been a voracious consumer of writing classes and workshops.

If you’re an aspiring author, I’m happy to connect you with other writers and resources I’ve found helpful. Let’s connect! 

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Book Editing, Ghost Writing & Self-Publishing Services

Danielle Charbonneau is available to help you with your book! She can…

  • Help you develop your book concept
  • Do developmental editing on your existing manuscript
  • Help you write either part, or all, of your book as a ghost writer
  • Line edit your manuscript
  • Design your book cover & content
  • Build you a website as an author, or for your book
  • Get your book ready for self-publication either by an independent printer, or via Amazon KDP (Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing)
  • Help you market your book via Press Releases, print marketing materials, digital newsletters, podcasting and social media.

Danielle offers a complimentary consultation. You can schedule a Zoom or phone call with her via Calendly HERE. Or email her at[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator border_width=”2″][vc_column_text]


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“Beauty & Ashes”

Danielle Charbonneau is currently working on a non-fiction memoir called “Beauty & Ashes.” The book weaves together the stories of her father as he struggled with alcoholism; and herself, as she pushed for her own recovery. The targeted publication date is 2024. Stay tuned for more information.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator border_width=”2″][vc_column_text]

“Strangers in the Night”

Danielle is an experienced ghostwriter. She was the sole ghost author of the first draft of Strangers in the Night, a non-fiction book about the kidnapping of Frank Sinatra Jr. in 1964. The book was produced in partnership with Emmy and Academy Award winning writer/producer Barry Morrow (best known for his film “Rain Main”) as a supplementary book to a film script pending production.  It was later adapted into a podcast hosted by John Stamos. The book is currently being queried for agents by the public author, Barry Keenan. You can check out the first episode of the podcast here:


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Craft Classes & Author Mentorship

Since the beginning of the Covid Pandemic in 2020, Danielle began tackling a long list of writing craft classes at prestigious universities and with acclaimed authors including:

  • Stanford University | Memoir Writing
  • Stanford University | Podcast Production
  • New School in NYC | Memoir Writing
  • Author Candy Schulman | Professional Writer’s Workshop
  • Author Erika Schickel with Writing Pad | Advanced Memoir Writing
  • Jennifer Brody with Writing Pad | Novel Writing
  • Elizabeth Gassman with Writing Pad | Book Proposal Writing
  • Brooke Warner | She Writes Press | Memoir Writing 6-Month Program
  • Jane Friedman | Build Your Platform Pronto
  • Kathleen Furin | Professional Coaching with Author Accelerator

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